Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Shannon Tyrybon MEd

    3. The ECO Course!

    4. Zoom Recording 4/16/2023

    5. Zoom Links

    6. Introduction to Maria Montessori's Life and Work

    7. How Much Do You Already Know

    8. Maria Montessori The Early Years

    9. Maria Montessori Medical School and Beyond

    10. Maria Montessori After Private Practice

    11. Casa dei Bambini

    12. Maria Montessori Training Others

    13. Maria Montessori's Later Years

    14. Maria Montessori's Final Years

    15. Montessori Final Years (Replacement Video)

    16. What Have You Learned

    1. Introduction to The Montessori Method

    2. Normalization and Concentration

    3. The Learning Triangle

    4. Hallmarks of the Montessori Method

    5. Time to Review Montessori Method

    1. Introduction to The Child

    2. Human Needs and Tendencies

    3. The Absorbent Mind

    4. Sensitive Periods

    5. The Four Planes of Development

    6. The Infancy Plane

    7. Time to Review The Child

    1. The Teacher Intro

    2. The Montessori Teacher

    3. Your Role In A Montessori Classroom

    4. Time To Review - The Teacher

    1. Introduction to The Prepared Environment

    2. The Importance of the Prepared Environment

    3. The Montessori Classroom

    4. The Benefits of a Multi-Age Classroom

    5. Montessori Materials and The Prepared Environment

    6. Time to Review - The Prepared Environment

    1. Introduction to Practical Life

    2. Introductory Exercises

    3. Care of the Environment

    4. Care of the Person

    5. Food and Nutrition

    6. Control of Movement

    7. Grace and Courtesy

    8. Time to Review - Practical Life

About this course

  • Free
  • 76 lessons
  • More details coming soon!
  • This course is entirely self-directed. You will be given access to the modules through our platform and be able to complete them at your own speed.

Why take the Early Childhood Overview?

Our Early Childhood Overview is a quick glimpse into the world of an EC Educator, and can be a great starting point if you plan on pursuing a certification in Montessori. This course is great for Montessori School Administrators, Faculty, and families who are interested in Montessori Philosophy!

Discover your potential, starting today